

Please rate our service from 1 to 5 stars (5 being excellent) and help us by writing a brief review.

This is how our customers rate us…

Dell computer

May 11, 2023

Thank you very much for fixing my computer it is a great job you did on it


HP Computer

May 1, 2023

You have the best computer company in Jamaica

I am happy to pay you $28,000 to fix my computer. I am coming into Kingston on Saturday. I am waiting on a response from you.


Dell Computer

April 30, 2023

Thank you very much for fixing my Gmail setting and the virus on my computer

have saved me buying a new computer thank you very much again for fixing my computer this afternoon at your beautiful office

you sure know what you’re doing with computers James I wish I had a person like you in Montego Bay depicts computers all the time I hope I will need you again before you go to London I hope you have a great holiday in July in England


Sony Computer

April 29, 2023

Excellent job on my machine today thank you very much James for fixing my computer this morning I will come and pick it up Monday afternoon from you You have a beautiful office where you work I have never seen a computer office like that before and water good location when you next come to Montego Bay I would like you to take some pictures of my beautiful villa at trial hotel it is a pleasure doing business with you.Keep up all the good reputation in the business James we don’t have good computer companies in Montego Bay it is a pleasure coming into Kingston to do business with you I am very happy to pay the $17,000 to get my computer fixed I recommend it to everybody

I wish you a very good prosperous with computer consultantsIt is the best company do business with in Jamaica James you are such a nice person to deal with you never get in a bad mood atoll thank you very much again James


carnival 2023

April 18, 2023

I want to thank computer consultants for doing a excellent job during carnival for us what a great company they are

Don’t ever give up hope Mr. Watson on your business you have all the strife on it and you will get more more customers when you advertise more

a lot of people don’t know about computer consultants you need to go out there and advertise a lot more and computer consultants can do it it is a excellent company to deal with don’t give up don’t give up on it Mr. Watson someone else orders come in and take over your visit and run it like how you have been doing it you need to offer more drone services and computer repairs


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