

Please rate our service from 1 to 5 stars (5 being excellent) and help us by writing a brief review.

This is how our customers rate us…

Sony Computer

July 29, 2024

We have the best company in Jamaica keep up all the good work, Mr. Watson


HP Computer

July 28, 2024

Thank you very much for fixing my computer on Friday at night. It works excellently



June 11, 2024

I want to thank you very much, Mr. Watson for doing a great job at my office. What a great team you have

You did a great job on my server and cleaning it


Apple laptop

June 1, 2024

I have been told by a couple clients you fix laptops and apple computers I have a Apple Computer to fix with you I need you to put my new glass in my computer for me. I went to innovative systems and it tried to fix it and they did a lousy job on it You look like you have a very good website and a very good technician to do all these things


HP Winging Computer

May 31, 2024

Thank you very much for the quick turnaround in wiping my computer . Thank you very much for bringing their back to the Pegasus hotel for me your company is well worth it I am very happy to pay the $25,000.00 I have one more computer for you to do when you get back, Mr. Watson. I am so glad I found you on LinkedIn If I didn’t find you on LinkedIn I don’t know where else to go to In the computer business in Jamaica I have been to many places and they have scanned me and you have the best company in Jamaica. when I took my computer to ATL they scanned me Mr Adam Stewart has a very bad company in the computer business I will never cake a computer back to ATL again in my life I will always bring it to computer consultants for you to fix


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