

Please rate our service from 1 to 5 stars (5 being excellent) and help us by writing a brief review.

This is how our customers rate us…

Company Jamaica

July 17, 2022

We want to let you know you have the best company in Jamaica and the best service I have been enjoying coming to computer consultants over the last five years with you guys


Response from Computer Consultants

Thank you very much for giving us a very good review. We are look forward to doing more work you.

Hard drive and wiping computer

July 16, 2022

I want to thank you very much for wiping my computer and fixing my hard drive today It was pleasure doing business with computer consultants I am very happy my computer is fixed now It is worthwhile coming into Kingston to fix my computer with computer consultants


Response from Computer Consultants

It is a pleasure for you to come any time into Kingston.

Computer Consultants

July 12, 2022

Computer consultants is the best company in Jamaica to deal with Mr. Watson is a very very nice person. I will let all my friends know about computer consultants. I have known Mr. Watson for five years during Carnival time . He is better off in the party business . He has a good niche in everything. He was a great salesman at training camp and he did a excellent job there and computer consultants has the same natural thing for him. I want to thank him for fixing my computer last night


Response from Computer Consultants

I want to thank you for the kind words you said about computer consultants

Thank you

July 10, 2022

Thank you very much for fixing my computer during carnival time


Wiping computer

July 8, 2022

Great job on wiping my computer thank you so much for fixing it


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