

Please rate our service from 1 to 5 stars (5 being excellent) and help us by writing a brief review.

This is how our customers rate us…

Dell computers

August 15, 2024

I want to thank you very much for fixing the St John’s ambulance computers you did a great job on them


Dell Computer

August 9, 2024

I want to thank the technician for coming to fix my computer tonight from computer consultants I am 82 years old I am really appreciate computer consultants coming to my house tonight to do the job I have had four technicians come to my house and they’ve never told me it was never plugged in properly the first technician prompt computer consultant has done an excellent job on it

Keep up all the good work thank you very much for coming


Hp Computer

August 5, 2024

Thank you very much for coming to the Pegasus hotel tonight. It was a excellent job you did on my computer tonight for wiping it for me


Dell computer

August 1, 2024

Thank you very much for wiping my computer it was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Watson thank you very much for responding to me so quickly

I am wishing you a very happy Independence Day

Enjoy your successful business


HP computer

August 1, 2024

Thank you very much for wiping my computer yesterday excellent job It is my first time to computer consultant office they have an excellent place

I will tell all my friends about it and let people know they do are excellent wiping job

I don’t have a problem paying the $25,000 for doing an excellent job


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